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"If you want to master something, teach it." - Richard Feynman

Teaching and Outreach

As a future scientist, I have realized the value of teaching in different ways. firstly, starting from my high-school years I have realized that teaching is one of the best tools for learning, whenever I teach a concept to a friend or a student, I pay attention to some aspects of it that I have not been aware of before and It allows me to rethink and upgrade my understanding about the subject. Secondly, throughout my social interactions, I have realized that the segregation between scientists and the public is getting wider and wider each day. Although human beings are curious about the universe by nature, this curiosity fades away through socialization because of the problems in educational systems.
Realizing the power of teaching and the issues with the standard teaching methods I have decided to devote a part of my time and energy to teach more. Sadly, since I am an international student at my University, I couldn't be a Teaching Assistant but I have found two different ways to reach this goal. Since 2018, I am a private tutor for High school and university level Physics and Mathematics Courses. and since 2020 I have Started two different YouTube channels on popular Science. One in Persian named "Danbaft"  which is devoted to popular Physics Subjects and one named Sci-POV (Scientific Point of View) in English which is trying to show to the public that science is not only about some abstract ideas on a board and it is a logical attempt to describe the life and the universe.


You can see a few videos from my channels below:

Mathematics of LOVE

In this video I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will effect the virus transition.


I uploaded This video since i realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea on why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that i tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

In this video, I describe a mathematical model by Prof. Steven Strogatz which describes the Love Dynamics of Romeo and Juliet using a simple System of Linear Differential Equations.


I choose this beautiful model because I believe that described system is popular enough to grab the attention of the majority and make them realize how useful and beautiful mathematics could be.

Mathematics of Pandemics

In this video I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will effect the virus transition.


I uploaded This video since i realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea on why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that i tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

In this video, I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will affect virus transmission.


I uploaded This video since I realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea of why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that I tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

Scientific Gibberish Detector

In this video I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will effect the virus transition.


I uploaded This video since i realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea on why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that i tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

I have realized that the so-called "scientific posts" on social media are usually just scientific gibberish and don't have any scientific background. I encountered posts that connected Quantum Physics to Reincarnation and Posts which find Relativity responsible for why flies move so fast and it is hard to catch them!


To fight the train of misinformed posts, I have made a series called "ChertoMetr" which translates to Gibberish Detector. In this series, I grade Instagram posts on a scale of 0 to 5 on how wrong they are and then explain the concept correctly.


To make the video interesting and targeted at the younger generation, I added a flavor of jokes and facial expressions. I even defined the scale on which I grade the posts of how many times this post will make Einstein cry!

Study Vlogs

In this video I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will effect the virus transition.


I uploaded This video since i realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea on why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that i tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

After a while of making educational videos, I realized that the lifestyle behind my knowledge is an essential part of my learning process.

Hoping to show to my audience how I tackle a subject, study for an exam, and spend my leisure time with a more flexible and cinematic video style I started making study vlogs, where I talk about my struggles towards getting my degree, my studying techniques, and occasional fun experiences.



Mechanics Lessons

In this video I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will effect the virus transition.


I uploaded This video since i realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea on why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that i tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

Although the foundation of Classical Mechanics is one of the most intuitive branches of Physics, I have encountered many people which cannot understand it and then hate physics only because they couldn't grasp the fundamental ideas of newtons which tend to describe the motions in our daily experiences.


To satisfy my love for mechanics and to prove to students that mechanics is more intuitive and easier than then believe, I have started a series where I teach classical mechanics on the college level. In this series, I first try to teach the idea and the intuition behind the concept and then pour the ideas into mathematical formulas.

Quantum Physics

In this video I describe the SIR model and then investıgate how the restrictions will effect the virus transition.


I uploaded This video since i realized that the public doesn't have a clear idea on why the covid-19 restrictions policies are imposed by the governments so that i tried to show how useful restrictions are with the simplest mathematical equations.

Quantum Physics is one the most exciting branches of physics and it has results beyond human understanding. Sadly, there are not many discourses on this subject for the public opinion in Persian, and non-Scientist Persian speakers are only learning about the subject through Instagram posts and their neighbors! 


To fill this need, I made a series of videos on different aspects of the field. varying from Schrodinger's Cat and Quantum Double Slit Experiment to Quantum Computers and Late Choice Quantum Experiment.

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